Pet Release Form
Your Pets Is important to us
Alex Pet Grooming Inc. believes grooming should be a stress-free experience for your lovely dogs. We strive to ensure that every grooming session is as pleasant and positive as possible for your dogs. However, our groomers sometimes encounter unforeseen conditions in dogs, such as skin or shampoo allergies, matting, fleas, clipper sensitivity, bone or joint sensitivity, seizures, heart conditions, behavioral issues, and fear. Therefore, we highly recommend that pet owners inform us of any known conditions before grooming to ensure the safety and well-being of their dogs during the grooming process.
MEDICAL / VACCINATIONS As a Dogs owner it is important that you inform us of any medical, physical, emotional issues, allergies, sensitivities, or pre-existing conditions that your dog may have. These could include prior surgeries, hip or joint issues, warts, moles, ear infections, or skin problems. Before bringing your puppies to us for their first service, please ensure they have completed all their shots. By signing this release, you confirm that your dogs have been vaccinated against rabies, as state law and Alex Pet Grooming Inc. if dogs are older than 4 months. We also recommend that your dogs are vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza adenovirus type 2, parvovirus, corona, leptospirosis, and Bordetella before being groomed.
ACCIDENTS Although accidents always can happen during dog grooming, even when all precautions are taken. The equipment used during grooming is sharp, and it is possible for dog to be accidentally injured, such as cuts, nicks, scratches, or quicking of nails. If such an injury occurs during the grooming process, the groomer will follow our safety and accident procedures and will keep your dog’s safety as our top priority. In the event of a serious injury, we authorize Alex Pet Grooming Inc to take my dog(s) to our primary provider Atlantic Veterinary Clinic. Always we will keep you informed about the situation.
BEHAVIORAL CHALLENGES Alex Pet Grooming Inc has the right to decline grooming services for any dog that may pose a threat to itself or any person. For the animals' and our groomers' safety, dog owners must inform us if their dog has shown aggression towards people, other pets, or specific grooming procedures. We may use muzzles, when necessary, which are not harmful to the dog and help protect the dog and groomers. We reserve the right to refuse or stop services for such dog before or during grooming.
MATTING Severely matted hair can only be fixed by shaving it off, which can be stressful and painful for your dog. Additionally, your dog might get nicked or cut during the process. Severely matted coat that can't be untangled, we need your permission to shave your dog's hair short. This will incur an additional fee, depending on the severity of the matting. Alex Pet Grooming Inc is not responsible for any pre-existing conditions caused by matted hair. However possible pre-existing conditions or reactions after being shaved down due to severe matting: 1. Hematoma formation 2. Skin and coat problems, itchiness, and mat sores 3. Matting prevents a proper breed clip 4. Double coated dogs’ coats can be affected by shaving down, resulting in a change in hair texture, color and even patchy growth. After shaving down, your dog may feel vulnerable and itchy and may lick their sores.
RELEASE - I am the owner/caregiver of this/these dog(s), and I have read and understand the safety precautions above. During the grooming service, I release Alex Pet Grooming Inc. from any responsibility for any accidents, medical problems, and other issues that may arise while grooming the dog(s). By consenting to and authorizing the grooming services of my dog(s).
We love to take before and after photos during the grooming process and use them in our social media channels. This help our small business growth. Please let us know if you don’t want us to use your dog photo